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Support Our Non-Profit Members

At Convene, we believe in the power of service and the impact of community. This Giving Tuesday, we’re proud to showcase the incredible non-profit organizations who are Convene members and in our Convene teams from around the country.  Each organization represents a unique mission, a heartfelt cause, and a chance to create lasting change. Explore the list below to learn about their inspiring work and discover how you can contribute to their efforts.

Together, let’s amplify their impact and bring hope to those who need it most.

Arizona Christian University

Arizona Christian University exists to educate and equip followers of Christ to transform culture with the truth. ACU is theologically and culturally conservative - unapologetically committed to biblical truth, including in its core commitments being pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-economic freedom - in stark contrast to most universities. We are preparing young men and women to be leaders of excellence in the 7 mountains of cultural influence.

  • As an unapologetically conservative Christian university, ACU is the 9th-fastest growing undergraduate college in America over the past decade, going from under 400 students to more than 1,400 at a time of declining college enrollment nationally. God has miraculously enabled us to trade our small Phoenix campus for a 75-acre campus, and we now have 9 consecutive years of record enrollment. ACU is an accredited, private, non-profit, Christian university in Glendale, Arizona offering a wide variety of degrees preparing students for successful careers, while remaining committed to its vision of transforming culture with biblical truth. Students actively engage in biblically-integrated academics and gain a liberal arts foundation with critical thinking skills that last a lifetime. Spiritual development is also integrated within the University experience, where all four-year campus students receive a minor in Biblical Studies, attend chapel twice a week, and complete spiritual formation and service hours each semester. Graduates are moving into positions of influence in our country - including recent graduates of Harvard Law School, Duke Divinity School, U. of Virginia law school, Dallas Theological Seminary, and multiple medical schools. Other graduates have formed pro-life and anti-trafficking nonprofits, are teaching in public and Christian schools, are becoming counselors and police officers, are making music and films or making their way in the media. All have been inspired the vision that - no matter their vocation - they are in full-time ministry and called to transform culture with biblical truth, to be salt and light, and to seek the welfare of the city. ACU graduates will seed the church with biblically grounded leaders and will spark the Great Awakening that is coming.

  • With the arrival of world-renowned researcher Dr. George Barna five years ago, ACU is America's premier biblical worldview university. Our students are measured in biblical worldview when they arrive, at the end of each year, and when they graduate. ACU is more than a University, and is dedicated to advancing the Kingdom of God in every way possible. CRC's research with Dr. Barna about the 32 million evangelicals who attend church weekly and are not planning to vote became national news, including Pres. Trump at a town hall being asked to respond to "research from Arizona Christian University." ACU is becoming a national player in the conversation about faith and culture and the decline of biblical worldview in America. One of the reasons America is declining is because Christians have been sending their kids, grandkids and their money to universities that teach students to hate God and hate America. One of the ways we turn America around is by sending kids, grandkids and money to a university like Arizona Christian University - which upholds biblical values and American exceptionalism. ACU is on its way to growing to 5,000 or more undergraduate students on its Glendale campus, and its growth will accelerate with additional funding and increased visibility. We are in our first ever comprehensive fundraising campaign with a goal of $25 million by Dec. 31, 2026, of which about $12 million has been committed. The speed with which ACU grows and can turn out thousands of excellent Christian leaders each year instead of hundreds is entirely dependent on how fast we can grow our financial support.

  • Donate at: or contact President Len Munsil, 602-570-6783, to discuss tax savings available through major gifts, planned gifts or asset gifts such as property or appreciated stock. Spread the word about ACU to potential students on campus: or online: or for master's degrees and graduate school: Promote the research and support the work of George Barna and the Cultural Research Center:, and buy Barna's latest best-seller, "Raising Spiritual Champions," which provides practical tips on helping young people develop a biblical worldview that will guide them throughout their life. You can see this and other publications from Arizona Christian University Press:

  • ACU is the 9th-fastest growing baccalaureate university in America, according to the Chronicles of Higher Education. Since 2011: Enrollment 3.5X (404 to 1421 students);national average (-15%) Campus 4X (18 to 75 acres) Annual Revenue 5.5X ($6M in 2011 to $33M in 2024) Net Assets 7X ($9M to $63M)* Donor Support 10X ($300-400K to $3-4M annual base) *With 2022 campus appraisal

  • Immediate needs include: 1) Additional support for scholarships to recruit students and reduce costs for ACU's diverse student population. More than 40 percent of ACU students are low-income and Pell Grant eligible, and a third of students are first generation college students. ACU is designated by the Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution with more than 25 percent of students of Hispanic origin. 2) ACU needs a larger space to hold chapel, convocation, commencement and athletic events. Our largest facility holds about 1,100, which is close to our current student population, meaning that we are nearly out of room for our twice-weekly chapels that are required for the entire student population.

  • We achieved an enrollment that provides operational sustainability on our new, larger campus in FY24, which is very difficult to achieve for small colleges. As we continue to grow, our increased fundraising we enable us to build out our new campus, add facilities and grow national Kingdom influence.

  • ACU is building a "Board of Visitors" made up of national leaders who will be annual financial supporters and ambassadors for the university. ACU also welcomes applicants to teach online or in person who can sign ACU's Statement of Faith and conservative Core Commitments:


Geographic Focus:
ACU students come from 40 states and 30 countries.




Phone Number:

Ballet 5:8

Throughout history, men and women of faith have led the way in nearly every art form, producing works that shine with the goodness, truth, and beauty of God. Yet in ballet, this integration of faith and artistry has yet to happen. At Ballet 5:8, we’re changing that. We create ballets—and ballet dancers—at the highest level of excellence, weaving our belief in God into every step of the process, so our work can spark discussions of life and faith.

  • Serving over 400 students, 30 professional dancers, and over 10,000 audience members each year, Ballet 5:8 sparks discussions of life and faith through innovative storytelling and breathtaking dance.

  • Supporting Ballet 5:8 means investing in an art form that bridges the gap between faith and the performing arts. We cultivate exceptional artists, fostering an environment where dancers not only excel technically but are empowered to explore and express profound ideas. Through outreach, accessible programming, and a commitment to diversity, we extend the impact of ballet to new and underserved audiences. By supporting us, you help bring world-class, purpose-driven ballet to more people, inspiring communities, and creating lasting cultural impact. Your partnership ensures that Ballet 5:8 continues to elevate the conversation around life, faith, and art, offering a transformative experience that is rare in the dance world. Our name comes from the verse in Scripture, Romans 5:8, which talks about how God loved human beings before they had done anything good or bad. This love is the heartbeat of our organization and the driving force of the work that we create. It informs our commitment to diversity, to artistic excellence, and to superb business operations.

  • 1. Attend a performance. 2. Bring a friend to a performance. 3. Support financially with monthly giving. 4. Bring Ballet 5:8 to your community.

  • Professional Artists Employed: 33 Full-Year Dancers Trained: 300 Individual Donors last 18 months: 179 Audience Members Last Season: 15382 Public Funding This Fiscal Year: $82,000 (up from $21,000 last year)

  • From Generand Algenio, father of a School of Ballet 5:8 dancer. "Ballet 5:8 is a place where my daughter feels free to express what is in her heart and in her soul…the power of dance is new to my family, but as I have heard and now bear witness, ballet has the power to express what cannot be said in words. What a powerful way to communicate! Because of her dedication to continue to succeed, she has especially learned how to balance her time at school and ballet. There are constant struggles, but these are important life lessons regarding commitments that I believe she will carry her through into adulthood and have clearly had an impact on her level of maturity and on her outlook on life. I have had the privilege of spending some time with my daughter and her 5:8 friends outside of the studio, and all I can say is that I haven’t met a finer group of girls, all differing ages, but who share the love of dance. They are of immense talent, impeccable decorum, spiritually connected, and the most supportive of each other…all outside of the studio! As their common connection is Ballet 5:8, I can’t think of a better testimony as to the impact that the teachers and 5:8 has on their students. I am so proud of these dancers, and that is why I have decided to donate my time and resources to help continue the ministry of Ballet 5:8 for both my daughter and the many generations of future dancers to come. When my daughter spends time with her Ballet 5:8 friends, all I can say is that I haven’t met a finer group of girls. They are of immense talent, impeccable decorum, spiritually connected, and supportive of each other. I can’t think of a better testimony to the impact the teachers at Ballet 5:8 have on their students."

  • We would like to fill out our Board of Directors Board Members with established networks in the Chicagoland area. This will help us increase our access to funding sources, which will allow us to increase the reach, scope and depth of the organization. We need more influencers who are enthusiastic about the work being created that will bring their networks to performances.

  • This year, we have built a partnership with the United States leading ballet school, The School of American Ballet (SAB) in New York City. Our founder Julianna Rubio Slager was a 23/24 National Visiting Fellow, one of our students received a full scholarship of tuition with room and board to their Summer and Year Round Program, one of only two students nationally. Additionally, SAB sent their leading teacher, Katrina Killian, to Ballet 5:8 studios in Orland Park to conduct a masterclass and teachers workshop to our students and teachers, one of only two schools nationally.

  • Chicagoland, with approximately four touring performances each year. Set Design and Construction - we create our own in house and use volunteers for the build. Sharing Marketing Materials - we will send posters and flyers to volunteers willing to distribute. Ushering - each show has four to six ushers who help guests find their seats and welcome them to the show.


Geographic Focus:
Chicagoland, with approximately four touring performances each year.

Arts and Culture



Phone Number:

Blessings of Hope

Empowering ministries to bring Hope to their communities by bridging the gap between food surplus and people in need.

  • Transforming Food Surplus into Community Impact Blessings of Hope is a nonprofit organization committed to addressing today’s global food crisis through dedicated food distribution efforts. Large corporations can efficiently donate food through Blessings of Hope to give back to the community and people in need. Our ability to process and distribute the equivalent of 2 million meals each month empowers regional ministries, churches, disaster relief organizations, and food banks to serve their local communities by feeding the hungry and sharing the love of Jesus.

  • Blessings of Hope serves over 200+ corporate donors with the capacity to steward high-volume food donations hassle-free, which can then be utilized to serve our 1,500+ ministry partners who serve the underserved in our community.

  • We have a volunteer base of over 40,000 - you can get more information here: We are always looking for more food donors: If you know of a church food pantry, or other nonprofit that is serving their community and is looking for a Kingdom focused source to get food: Financial donations are always welcome: Invest in our nonprofit real estate fund (Sister entity Hope RE Funding):

  • Over 2 million meals distributed monthly, 1,200 to 1,300 volunteer positions filled weekly, and over 1,500 nonprofit organizations served in 2024. During fiscal year Oct. 1, 2023, to Sept. 30, 2024, 74.8% of our operational budget was funded through our handling fees, and the rest was funded through donations.

  • "Many times the product you have made available has been something that our refugee friends have missed from their native country, and they wonder how on earth could we find it here in America? And I know it’s the Lord reaching out and blessing them. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to reach a hurting world!" -Blessings of Hope Partner Ministry "Everything is so well organized, especially considering the scope of operations. I really appreciate how everyone seems to cooperate to get the work done efficiently." - Blessings of Hope Volunteer "Savencia Cheese USA is proud to partner with Blessings of Hope to feed the hungry. They have built an organization that is efficient and easy for food manufacturers to work with. To know that our contribution of product may have impacted a person or family who could not afford the next meal is both humbling and rewarding." - Blessings of Hope Food Supplier

  • 2024 year-end donations to finish 2024 strong and empower the organization to serve well in 2025 and beyond.

  • In 2023, Blessing of Hope got into food dehydration for international outreach. Dehydrated food retains over 90% nutritional value, shrinks to less than 20% volume, and you can give fresh produce a 5+ year shelf life.

  • Blessings of Hope can utilize a wide range of volunteers. From sorting and packing food to food processing for dehydration, stocking shelves at our food selection centers, and truck drivers/mechanics. For a full list of volunteer opportunities, go to:


Geographic Focus:
Mid-Atlantic region from Lancaster, PA (Connecticut to DC, east coast to Pittsburg in our primary distribution area), we also have a food selection center in Campbellsville, KY.

Poverty Alleviation



Phone Number:


Helping Churches Grow

  • For more than seventy years, CDF Capital has been addressing the most significant barrier to church expansion: access to the financial capital needed to purchase land and construct buildings. Our fund connects kingdom-building investors with growing churches needing loans to finance their projects.

  • CDF Capital partners with churches to buy, renovate, and restore their buildings, lending the financial capital needed for their next season of growth. As lending institutions continue to reduce their church loan portfolio, CDF provides a valuable option for non-profit, faith-based ministries.

  • An a non-profit extension fund, the dollars we lend to churches are not our own but are supplied by thousands of investors across the country. We continue to seek institutions and people of faith who will trust CDF Capital with a portion of their cash reserves, savings, and retirement accounts to help churches grow.

  • Serving over 70 years Over 2,000 loans originated More that $2billion lent Serving all 50 states

  • As a multicultural immigrant church, City Wide Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut always struggled to find an adequate gathering space. Decades ago, local government reclaimed their building through eminent domain. Just recently, City Wide Church opened conversations with Congregation Rodeph Sholom, whose house of worship was too large for the Jewish synagogue to manage. CDF Capital investors provided funding for City Wide Church to purchase the building—providing the church the opportunity to secure a permanent meeting place. City Wide provide chapel space to allow Congregation Rodeph Sholom to continue on without the financial challenges of operating a historic building.

  • With an aging investor base, CDF Capital needs to identify and engage new investors who share our organizational vision and values.

  • Since 2022, CDF Capital has helped over 30 churches secure their first permanent home.

  • We collaborate with churches and ministries around the country that could always utilize volunteers.


Geographic Focus:
Nationally, in each of the 50 states

Business Development



Phone Number:

Center for Urban Teaching Inc.

The Center for Urban Teaching, Inc. (CfUT) is an independent, Christian nonprofit that identifies, prepares and supports high-performing urban teachers and leaders, and schools for private, charter and public schools in Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha and Madison.

  • CfUT is committed to serving youth in underserved neighborhoods by building a pipeline of high-quality teachers and leaders. This is achieved by recruiting and training a diverse group of undergraduates aspiring to teach in the cities of Milwaukee and Racine, Wisconsin.

  • In order to meet the need for qualified and committed teachers and leaders in Milwaukee, and the courageous goal to close the achievement gap in urban schools, CfUT must continue its work to create a pipeline of qualified teachers and leaders. In the wake of the pandemic, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shared that there were approximately 10.6 million educators working in public education in January 2020 and in Feb 2022 there were just 10.0 million, a net loss of around 600,000 educators. Without significant effort, this shortage will get worse as current enrollment trends reveal that students enrolling to become teachers is down 35% nationally (Wisconsin Education Association Council). Given these trends, the Economic Policy Institute predicts we can expect the national teacher shortage will result in roughly 200,000 fewer teachers by 2025. The teacher shortage, the profound failure of many of our schools today, and the expansion of partner schools each reinforce the critical need for CfUT to continue to expand the number of alumni serving in the field.

  • People can get involved and support our work in two unique ways: (1)-Fundraising and events-The Center for Urban Teaching hosts several events each year that provide customized sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities for individuals and businesses. (2)-Giving opportunities-Help build Milwaukee’s teacher and leader pipeline—and invest in the children in our community—by partnering with CfUT financially in the following ways: Sponsor summer programming at a Milwaukee school, provide resources to supply summer school classrooms, host an event that raises funds and awareness for CfUT, and donate online at

  • CfUT has become known to its partners as the preferred pipeline for urban teachers since its inception in 2001. As a result, CfUT is known as the preferred pipeline for urban teachers. Program evaluation data supports this as can be seen below: 93% of CfUT’s alumni are placed within one year of graduation 85% of CfUT’s alumni are placed in an urban school in the state of WI 81% of CfUT alumni serve for four or more years In 2024, CfUT celebrated the 15th year of the Summer School Program, and operated nineteen summer school sites that trained over 200 teacher and leader candidates, and served over 1,500 students in Milwaukee. Students demonstrated exceptional growth over the four weeks of the program with an average of 31% growth in mathematics and 27% growth in reading on the pre- and post-assessment. Today, CfUT’s pipeline serves 721 prospective teacher candidates from 126 universities across the nation and 52 aspiring school leaders from 30 choice, charter, and public schools, and already has over 750 alumni actively serving in the field today, with 443 serving in Milwaukee.

  • While our impact metric and statistics are most impressive, we find that the individual stories behind those numbers are where CfUT’s true impact can be found. In these stories is the heart and power of what CfUT does. We are including a couple reflective pieces from this past summer and those who are currently in the educational field, but could fill pages with the stories of how this program has impacted and touched the lives of the leaders, teachers, and students: “I first joined to see if teaching is what I should be doing with my life. I just finished my third summer as a teacher. I continue to return to this program because of the incredible training and experience I receive, and the feedback I continue to receive from the leaders. The growth I have seen in myself through these past three summers in not just my profession but myself as a person is insane. I would and do recommend this program to my friends who are going into education.”-CfUT Participant ”Something that continues to encourage me and motivate me on this journey in education is the fact that I’ve had phenomenal coaching and support from CfUT. Thinking back to my first year as a TA at a local Christian school, I honestly had no idea what I was doing. Scholars were all over the place, and I didn’t really feel confident in my instruction, but after participating with CfUT, and after having so many years of coaching, and opportunities such as Summer School, I’ve not only been able to grow in my abilities as an educator, but I also feel more confident and more ready and also more prepared to develop tomorrow’s leaders and decision makers, so CfUT thank you!”-CfUT Participant “CfUT’s Teacher training program is life-changing. When I returned to college classes, the practical skill and classroom experience with actual students made my classes even more meaningful. Highly recommended!-CfUT Participant

  • The top support areas our organization currently needs are as follows: (1)-Donations, (2)-Sponsors, and (3)-Connections with potential new donors to support our work.

  • We served 1,880 students over the course of our 2024 Summer School Program. Participants from 33 states, 20 countries, 83 colleges helped to improve the reading and math scores of the students served in schools during this past summer. Students experienced a 27% growth in reading and 31% growth in math as a result of their participation in our Summer School Program.

  • We want students to be so excited about learning that they can hardly wait for school. That feeling starts with you. CfUT has numerous opportunities for you to use your gifts, including volunteering for our Summer school teacher training program, Urban Teaching and Leadership Conference and our Urban Network Impacting Tomorrow’s Educators Conference. To volunteer, please contact (414) 433-9180 or email


Geographic Focus:
CfUT strives to be the leading provider of high-performing urban teachers and leaders, ensuring quality education for every child in Milwaukee and beyond.




Phone Number:

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Empowering coaches and athletes to transform lives through faith in Jesus, creating lasting impact on and off the field.

  • The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a global sports ministry dedicated to impacting the lives of coaches and athletes through the message of Jesus Christ. FCA's mission is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus and His church, recognizing the unique influence they hold within their teams, schools, and communities. FCA serves coaches and athletes at all levels—youth, high school, college, and professional—providing a community that supports their spiritual, mental, and physical growth. Through sports camps, small groups, and one-on-one mentorship, FCA staff and volunteers connect with these leaders, helping them to understand their purpose and use their platform to inspire others. Operating through regional offices and local staff, FCA creates environments where faith and sports intersect. Staff and volunteers invest in relationships, training, and discipleship to encourage coaches and athletes to live out their faith authentically. With events like camps, clinics, and outreach programs, FCA brings the Gospel to sports communities worldwide, believing that one coach or athlete’s commitment to Christ can spark a ripple effect, leading others to follow Jesus.

  • FCA provides a powerful, unique approach to ministry by leveraging the influence of coaches and athletes to reach entire communities with the Gospel. Unlike traditional outreach, FCA works within the sports world, where coaches and athletes naturally draw attention and respect. By equipping these leaders to model Christ, FCA creates ripple effects of faith that can transform teams, schools, and communities. Our work goes beyond mentoring—it’s about cultivating discipleship, leadership, and lifelong purpose in environments that are often more competitive than collaborative. In the Pacific Northwest, ministry faces unique cultural and logistical challenges. This region is known for its spiritual skepticism, where fewer people identify with faith, making it a challenging field for outreach. Additionally, the Pacific Northwest’s geography—spanning large rural areas, major metropolitan centers, and often isolated communities—means that staff must work harder to build trust and relationships in each pocket of the region. These dynamics require a patient, personalized approach to ministry, focusing on deep connections over quick conversions. FCA’s impact deserves support because it not only meets these challenges head-on but also addresses a need for positive role models in local communities. Through our strategic engagement with coaches and athletes, we are changing lives and fostering resilience in a region where faith is often seen as irrelevant. By investing in FCA, supporters are helping to bring hope, mentorship, and spiritual growth to the Pacific Northwest, reaching young lives who may not encounter the Gospel in traditional ways.

  • Here are specific ways people can support FCA’s mission: Volunteer: Serve as a local Huddle advisor, camp volunteer, or event helper. Your time can directly impact coaches and athletes, whether at camps, clinics, or weekly huddles. Donate: Financial gifts enable FCA to provide scholarships, fund staff positions, and expand outreach to underserved areas. Every donation helps us reach more people for Christ. Sponsor Events or Camps: Through your businesses, you can underwrite local sports camps or regional events, making it possible for more young people to attend and encounter the Gospel through sports. Join a Prayer Team: Partner with us in prayer for our staff, athletes, coaches, and the unique challenges of doing ministry in the Pacific Northwest. Spread the Word: Share FCA’s mission on social media, at your church, or with friends and family. Helping others learn about our work can open doors to new partnerships. Legacy Giving: Consider a legacy gift to ensure FCA’s ministry continues to impact future generations. Host a Small Group: Gather friends, family, or colleagues to learn more about FCA’s impact and encourage them to get involved, too. Connect Us with Local Coaches & Athletes: Introduce FCA to coaches or athletes in your network who could benefit from our ministry. Every form of support strengthens our mission and makes it possible to reach more lives through the power of faith and sports.

  • In Fiscal Year 2024, the Pacific Northwest Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) achieved significant milestones: Funds Raised: In 2024, FCA raised more than $8 million across the 5-state region. These funds created resources to support ministry programs, FCA clubs and leagues, camps, staff salaries, and administrative costs. Almost $4 million of what we raised last year is being given by donors monthly through our sustainable monthly giving program. Mobilized Volunteers: In 2024, 100 staff engaged 1,734 volunteers who reached almost 7,000 coaches and athletes through on-campus Huddles.

  • Before meeting Christ, Kobe Parlin was lost, caught up in worldly distractions like partying and seeking validation from others. “I struggled with my identity,” Kobe recalls. “I was just a basketball player.” But everything changed when Kobe got involved with FCA. Through weekly Huddles at Lower Columbia College and a supportive community, Kobe was introduced to Jesus. He began to see that his worth wasn’t defined by his performance on the court or by worldly approval but by his identity in Christ. His confidence grew, and he became a leader, stepping into the role of an FCA huddle leader and leading others toward Christ. “Since meeting Christ, everything has changed,” Kobe shares. “I wake up and pray, I read my devotionals every day, and my relationship with Jesus looks like nothing I ever thought it would. He helps me block out the outside noise and trust in His voice.” Today, Kobe isn’t just a basketball player—he’s a disciple of Christ, passionate about making a difference in the lives of other athletes. He’s on a mission to love God, love others, and make disciples through the platform of sports.

  • FCA’s top support needs focus on empowering staff and providing transformative opportunities for coaches and athletes. Our highest priority is establishing a pool of launch funds for new staff who feel called to serve in the Pacific Northwest. These launch funds enable new team members to onboard quickly and focus on ministry, as all FCA staff are responsible for raising 100% of their support. The second priority is camp scholarships, which allow more athletes to attend FCA camps where they encounter the Gospel and build lifelong relationships. Every gift to these priorities accelerates our mission and deepens our impact across the region.

  • Project Highlight: The first ever Greater Seattle FCA Camp was launched in 2024, supported by 80 staff and volunteers, including 34 unique coaches, contributing to the camp's success. With more than 157 athletes in 10 sport environments, resulting in 22 first-time commitments to Jesus and 49 recommitments.

  • Volunteer: Serve as a local Huddle advisor, camp volunteer, or event helper. Your time can directly impact coaches and athletes, whether at camps, clinics, or weekly huddles.


Geographic Focus:
The Pacific Northwest region of FCA operates locally across five states: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. Category:



Phone Number:

Friends In Action International

FIA Works In Areas of Limited Infrastructure by Using Construction Projects and Practical Service to Speed the Gospel to Those Who Have Never Heard.

  • FIA continues to make a significant impact on missions through dedicated full-time international workers, short-term ministry efforts, and volunteer services. Individuals skilled in trades such as carpentry, masonry, electrical work, plumbing, automotive maintenance, and welding collaborate with national and international Gospel workers to address site-specific infrastructure and development challenges. Both skilled and unskilled laborers join forces with FIA members to deliver clean water solutions, support community development, and offer various forms of mission assistance and educational opportunities. For over three decades, FIA volunteers have constructed medical clinics, bridges, schools, homes, and even airstrips in isolated areas. The FIA Shipping Department acknowledges the continuous needs by facilitating the international transport of materials and goods, aiding missionaries in their endeavors to travel further, reach more people, and extend their stay. In line with the example set by Jesus Christ, the source of living water, FIA also offers well drilling services, water collection systems, and the construction of water pipelines.

  • Friends in Action International is dedicated to accessing remote areas worldwide. Through partner-supported ministries, 245,000 individuals have heard the Gospel, and 11,300 have benefited from community development projects. Sharing Christ contributes to both spiritual and physical well-being, with over 8,600 people reached by relief services and 7,500 aided by clean water initiatives. FIA champions sustainability for indigenous nationals and fosters relationships that allow missionaries to continue spreading the Gospel and essential skills, resulting in 790 nationals receiving life-skills training and educational opportunities.

  • At Friends in Action International, we understand that God's call to missions extends beyond pastors and church leaders. God endows each of us with unique skills to spread the gospel to those who have yet to hear it. We offer the chance to do precisely this. By employing your hands and feet, we support your vocation in full-time missions, guiding others towards the salvation found in Jesus Christ. Individuals can participate in short-term mission trips, various forms of financial giving, volunteering at our Headquarters and Shipping Ministry, and by becoming a committed Prayer Warrior.

  • 358,001+ People Who Have Heard The Gospel 8,700+ Community Development Project Support 6,310+ Support through clean water initiatives 4,250+ Support though outreach and relief services 1,276+ Life skills training and education support 135+ Volunteers sent out on service projects

  • Pastor Gabby of Vanuatu shares - "Through the testimony of your good work, it has greatly helped soften and prepare the hearts of the Nivan people towards Jesus Christ. Because othese good deeds have shown the love and compasion of God, as a result peoople have come to know that God loves and cares for them. This causes them to praise God just like it says in Mathiew 5:16"

  • We are in current need of growing our support staffing in Communications, Finances, Team Management, and multiple full time field personnel.

  • Short term team members, Shipping, warehouse, and loading volunteers.


Geographic Focus:

USA Headquarters, Canada Support Office, Nicaragua, Senegal, Papua New Guinea, Bolivia, Vanuatu



Hope Walks

Hope Walks frees children and families from the physical, emotional, and economic burden of clubfoot so that every child and family will walk free from clubfoot and encounter the love of Christ.

  • Hope Walks partners with local healthcare providers to treat children born with clubfoot. By training clinicians in the Ponseti method and partnering with the local church, we help children walk free from disability and introduce families to Christ.

  • Hope Walks eliminates disability and shares our hope in Christ into healthcare centers across 15 countries. We do not build hospital buildings or clinics, but we build up and strengthen the national health system, teaching and training local healthcare providers to care for children born with clubfoot. The Hope Walks program and early clubfoot treatment... Empowers local healthcare providers. Eliminates the need for significant, invasive surgical correction later in life. Enables a child and their family to walk free from the shame and stigma of disability. Emboldens a child to take their first steps on straight feet, receive an education, and one day provide for themselves. Earns an average return of $15 for every dollar invested as children and their families flourish as God intended as able-bodied adults.

  • Individuals can get involved by financially supporting clubfoot treatment and spiritual care through their foundation, donor-advised fund, or one-time gifts of cash and non-cash items. Join our Clubfoot Crew and become a monthly donor for $40/month, which covers the complete care and treatment of a child with clubfoot. Become a Hope Walks Ambassador and Paint the Future Bright for Kids with Clubfoot.

  • In FY24 (July ‘23 - June ‘24) Treated 16,562 children, including 8,649 new children 6,803 achieve correction of their feet 103,276 clinic visits 190 clinics in government and faith-based healthcare centers 15 countries 92,273 counseling sessions 754 faith expressions $3.996mm raised

  • Amar in Ethiopia ( When Amar was born with clubfoot, his family faced immense challenges. Relatives told them the condition wasn’t serious and would heal naturally with sunbathing and massages, but their worries grew when they saw no improvement. Financial constraints added to their despair because they couldn’t afford to take him to the hospital for proper treatment. Amar’s father, Haron, works as a shoe shiner to support the family, while his mother stays home to manage the household. It was a confusing and overwhelming time for the family until they learned about the available treatment options through a neighbor who also had a child born with clubfoot and received treatment at a Hope Walks partner clinic. With newfound hope, Amar’s family decided to visit the Adama Hospital, where Hope Walks runs a clinic. Witnessing other families who had successfully saved their children through Hope Walks’ treatment renewed Haron and Jemal’s determination to seek help for their son. “the journey was tough, especially when he cried during the bracing,” Haron said. “But the greatest moment was when the last cast was removed, and we saw his foot straightened.” Jemal added, “The counseling process helped us understand the treatment, and now I have a good grasp of it. We are so thankful for the advice, free treatment and transportation support from Hope Walks.” “We are very poor, but our hope of raising a healthy child is very important,” Haron said. “Now, our son has a bright future. My God bless all.”

  • Expand access to clubfoot treatment - Today just one in five children born with clubfoot access the treatment and care they need to walk free from clubfoot. Hope Walks supports clubfoot care at 190 healthcare centers. We estimate an additional 110 clinics are needed over the next five years to reach all children born with clubfoot in the countries where we currently serve. Investment in clinical care, treatment, and training of local healthcare providers - Hope Walks builds up the national healthcare system by teaching and training local healthcare providers, raising awareness that clubfoot can be treated and providing the resources needed to provide quality care and treatment. Investment in counseling and spiritual ministry - A Hope Walks’ parent advisor supports each partner clubfoot clinic. Parent advisors are members of a local church who provide support and encouragement to the families, educate on clubfoot and its treatment, and introduce families to our eternal hope in Christ. Parent advisors provide transportation to help families attend weekly clinic visits, provide counseling support, and make home visits and phone calls to ensure all children and their families learn of the love of Christ and walk free from a life of disability.

  • Since Hope Walks began, we have enrolled more than 39,000 new children in clubfoot treatment. The University of Notre Dame recently published its research on the impact of our work in Ethiopia. ( We have deployed the first clubfoot data collection system using DHIS2, which provides individualized treatment information from all 190 clubfoot treatment centers. Five countries in our network currently serve more than 50% of all children born with clubfoot every year in their country - Burundi, Dominican Republic, Kenya, Malawi, and Rwanda.

  • Paint the Future Bright for Kids with Clubfoot - Clubfoot braces help keep the feet in the correct alignment following treatment. Individuals, families and companies can paint clubfoot braces bright and fun for children in Rwanda, Ethiopia and Kenya. Each kit includes instructions, brace leathers, paint pens, and information on how to track your painted brace. Kits can be ordered at


Geographic Focus:
Global - 14 countries (11 in Africa and 3 in Latin America)

Health and Wellness



Phone Number:

Nightlight Christian Adoptions

Get more kids adopted!

  • Nightlight Christian Adoptions pioneered the field of embryo adoptions and advocates for the personhood of embryos and have seen 1300 babies born in the Snowflakes® program. Nightlight also lights the path toward loving homes for children living as orphans in poverty and ignorance of the gospel, with adoptions from 21 countries. We have helped over 3500 women in crisis pregnancy make the sacrificial choice of an adoption plan.

  • Become a foster parent, invite us to staff an info table at your church, volunteer at an event, donate.

  • We serve 1000 families annually, with over 500 adoptive placements each year, a $10MM budget, a staff of 123, a mailing list of 140,000.

  • Baby Carter was born at 28 weeks, and as a result he had a health diagnosis that predicted cerebral palsy, blindness, and developmental delays. Since Nightlight has a reach of 140,000 people on our mailing list, we were able to find a phenomenal family to adopt him. At his 6 month checkup this summer, doctors declared a miracle since Carter actually is meeting all milestones and has no significant health problems. Nightlight believes every child deserves a loving family.

  • We need to fund a foster recruiter in Athens, Georgia, Waco, Texas, and Santa Ana, California. This would cost $150,000.

  • We reached the milestone of 1300 babies born from the Snowflakes® embryo adoption program.

  • Help at a fundraising dinner or Top Golf event.


Geographic Focus:
12 offices in 10 states serving people nationwide and operations in 17 countries.




Phone Number:

Olive Crest

Transforming the lives of children in crisis through the healing power of God, family, and community.

  • Olive Crest cares for children, youth, and families in crisis by providing safe homes and equipping for life through counseling, education, and life skills, ultimately creating strength and resiliency in our community.

  • With the challenges families face increasing every day, your support is more critical than ever. By partnering with Olive Crest – being involved, loving your neighbor, and helping the widows and orphans of today – you are helping to create a ripple effect of positive change, breaking generational cycles of abuse and empowering the next generation with hope, resilience, and opportunity. When you stand with Olive Crest, you help transform the lives of children and families in crisis through the healing power of God, Family, and Community, making a powerful, lasting impact. For over 50 years, Olive Crest has been a trusted leader in transforming the lives of individuals who have faced abuse, neglect, and severe hardship. By addressing the root causes of trauma and providing a comprehensive, research-backed continuum of care, we empower children and families not only to survive but to thrive. Our approach includes individualized support, family counseling, safe housing, support for youth survivors of sex trafficking, and essential life skills that foster long-term stability and self-reliance. Our results speak for themselves. Over 90% of individuals who participate in our programs achieve greater stability and independence—far surpassing the national average of 72.5%. This success reflects our commitment to providing the highest quality of care, backed by our compassionate and skilled team who walk alongside each family to help them build brighter futures. In addition to these ongoing efforts, our $100,000,000 Transforming Lives Campaign represents a new chapter for Olive Crest, as we significantly expand our capacity to serve even more of those in crisis through new and larger Children and Family Resource Centers and increased housing and independent living support for youth aging out of foster care.

  • Opportunities to be involved include: Provide financial support Become an Olive Crest family (host or foster) Volunteer (mentor, care community, transportation, prayer)

  • Olive Crest serves 5,000 children, youth, and families in crisis each day. 99% of children in our care found safety and stability in FY24 92,604 counseling sessions were provided in FY24 619 teens and young adults who have aged out of foster care were equipped for life in FY24 432,411 safe days for children were made possible for our children in FY24 Over $66,000,000 raised toward our $100,000,000 Transforming Lives Campaign to-date as we seek to expand our capacity to serve children, youth, and families in crisis.

  • At 15, Jacob found himself struggling with his mental health, social anxiety, and a negative self-image linked to his weight. After being removed from his mother’s care, Jacob who now lives with his grandmother, Ms. Clara, faced trouble at school with chronic absences and failing grades. Isolated and withdrawn, he spent most of his time in his room, and rarely communicating with others. Jacob was referred to Olive Crest for comprehensive mental health support. His care team worked closely with him and his grandmother to offer therapeutic assistance and educational resources. With consistent support and as his team earned his trust, Jacob’s recovery began as he started to engage and his school performance improved. Soon, Jacob started attending the gym, boosting his confidence and reshaping his self-image. The once reclusive teenager began to see himself and his surroundings more optimistically. His newfound confidence and improved outlook led him to pursue an interest in journalism. With guidance and preparation, Jacob secured a position to write stories about his community, a role that he continues to excel in and enjoy. Today, Jacob is on track to graduate from high school and has plans to study law at a four-year university. The progress Jacob has made is more than academic;it is also deeply personal. Jacob and Ms. Clara communicate effectively and support each other as they navigate daily challenges.

  • Our top priorities include filling urgent needs for volunteer host families to provide temporary homes for children whose parents are in crisis, allowing parents the necessary time to stabilize and reunite. We also seek dedicated foster parents to care for children who have suffered abuse, offering them safety and healing. Additionally, we rely on donors to support our Transforming Lives Campaign, which is fueling our expansion across all regions. This campaign will build larger Children and Family Resource Centers and expanded housing options for youth aging out of foster care, helping them transition successfully into adulthood.

  • In FY24, Olive Crest served nearly 50,000 children and families.

  • There are a variety of volunteer opportunities with Olive Crest: -Host Families -Foster Families -Care Communities (provide support to host and foster families) -Assist in our Children and Family Resource Centers -Various administrative supports


Geographic Focus:
Operating throughout the Western United States, including California, Washington, and Nevada, Olive Crest also works with other, similar faith-based agencies throughout the USA.




Phone Number:

Reclaim 13

Reclaim13 works with survivors of child sexual abuse and exploitation to ensure they can heal and grow up feeling safe and loved.

  • As an unapologetically conservative Christian university, ACU is the 9th-fastest growing undergraduate college in America over the past decade, going from under 400 students to more than 1,400 at a time of declining college enrollment nationally. God has miraculously enabled us to trade our small Phoenix campus for a 75-acre campus, and we now have 9 consecutive years of record enrollment. ACU is an accredited, private, non-profit, Christian university in Glendale, Arizona offering a wide variety of degrees preparing students for successful careers, while remaining committed to its vision of transforming culture with biblical truth. Students actively engage in biblically-integrated academics and gain a liberal arts foundation with critical thinking skills that last a lifetime. Spiritual development is also integrated within the University experience, where all four-year campus students receive a minor in Biblical Studies, attend chapel twice a week, and complete spiritual formation and service hours each semester. Graduates are moving into positions of influence in our country - including recent graduates of Harvard Law School, Duke Divinity School, U. of Virginia law school, Dallas Theological Seminary, and multiple medical schools. Other graduates have formed pro-life and anti-trafficking nonprofits, are teaching in public and Christian schools, are becoming counselors and police officers, are making music and films or making their way in the media. All have been inspired the vision that - no matter their vocation - they are in full-time ministry and called to transform culture with biblical truth, to be salt and light, and to seek the welfare of the city. ACU graduates will seed the church with biblically grounded leaders and will spark the Great Awakening that is coming.

  • Reclaim13's vision is to build a forever community that supports healing and reclaiming of lives impacted by child sex trafficking and abuse. Child sex trafficking and abuse entail relational trauma with adults who harm them. As a result, children often grow up with misconceptions of humanity and God. By intervening as early as possible, Reclaim13's goal is to break a cycle of re-victimization in each individual life and to be a part of building a more positive and hopeful future based upon healed lives that see and exemplify the beauty of humanity.

  • Reclaim13 envisions a forever community that supports healing. That forever community consists of staff, volunteers, supporters, churches, corporate partners, law enforcement, and anyone that aligns with our belief that God's love through community can transform the most broken hearts.

  • In 2023, we provided 2,000 hours of mentoring, 24,000 hours of trauma-informed education, over 70,000 hours of therapeutic residential care to survivors of sex trafficking (ages 10-25), and over 600 hours of specialized trauma and developmentally-sensitive therapy. Over 550+ volunteers committed over 60,000 hours of services to enrich our care of survivors and co-labor with Reclaim13 to build our forever community of God's kingdom on Earth.

  • From Scott Schnurr, DRF CEO, Convene member, Reclaim13 Compassionate Corporation partner: "There are so many worthy causes and areas of this world to improve, it would be easy to become distracted trying to help every worthy cause. However, we are focused on getting the best return on investment from a kingdom perspective with each gift we are able to invest into worthwhile causes. From the first time I was exposed to what Reclaim13 does and the precious people they serve, I knew my world would be forever changed and would never be the same again. This is something that breaks your heart and catalyzes every part of your being with a commitment to do whatever you can to help however you can. Reflecting on the people being served and what lengths I would go to if it were my child in that situation, I would stop at nothing to help. Seeing the stewardship, services, and the transformation delivered with every cent entrusted to them, allows us to be confident our partnership is improving lives and the world through Reclaim13."

  • As we are ending our fiscal year, we want to end the year strong and begin to build funding for our impossible-without-God project of a campus that will be our forever community campus, providing survivors with a gathering place for healing services, community, and housing.

  • During 2023, we opened a therapy clinic to expand the availability of specialized therapy services to survivors in the community and to the general public. Our goal is to continue to build capacity to serve more survivors who ordinarily cannot afford therapy so they can heal and hope again.

  • There are many volunteer opportunities from mentoring, crisis response team, and event planning to one-time volunteer projects throughout the year.


Geographic Focus:
Our geographic focus is local, though we receive victims from around the nation due to our unique safe house program.

Human Rights and Social Justice



Phone Number:


RedeemTV is a donor-supported, ad-free, streaming service with no fees streaming Christian content around the world.

  • RedeemTV is a donor-supported, ad-free, streaming service that brings edifying visual media content for all ages. We offer an ever-growing library of quality dramas, documentaries, animated features, episodic series, Bible studies and more.

  • Our mission is to produce and distribute quality visual media that communicates the Gospel in effective and relevant ways to contemporary audiences. In order to continue to reach a worldwide audience with the message of the Gospel, we are offering our own state-of-the-art streaming video platform. Our hope is that RedeemTV will continue to bless our global communities with stories of truth, hope and faith for generations to come.

  • You can donate to RedeemTV at or give to our ministry in creative ways such as through Donor-Advised Fund, stocks and mutual funds, or gifts in a will (learn more at If you wish to contribute to our ministry in non-financial ways, here are some options that we would greatly appreciate: • Sharing your story: As a ministry, it helps us to be able to share real stories of how our ministry is impacting people. You can share with us about your favorite titles on RedeemTV and how they have helped to bring you and your family closer to God. • Spreading the word: The best marketing is word-of-mouth. When you recommend RedeemTV to your friends and acquaintances, they are much more likely to sign up to watch than if they see an ad somewhere. We’re also happy to send you post cards or business cards for RedeemTV that you can hand out to people you meet. • Follow us on social media: In today’s age, media companies’ credibility is often rated based on their social media following. By following us on Facebook and Instagram, liking our posts, and leaving comments, this builds our credibility to others who might be exploring their faith and seeking a resource like RedeemTV • Rate our app on the App Store: If you use our mobile or TV apps, please rate the app in the stores. More ratings helps the apps to be found easier and helps us to be able to have more credibility as the developer to provide updates faster.

  • RedeemTV has over 325,000 subscribers in over 200 countries and a library of over 2,000 quality dramas, documentaries, animated features, children’s favorites, episodic series, Bible studies and more, with new titles added every week. You can watch RedeemTV on the web or on one of our apps which currently includes iOS, Android, Roku, Fire TV, Apple TV, Android TV, Samsung TV and LG TV.

  • "What a blessing RedeemTV is to our family! When we grow weary in the daily battles, we find the wholesome refreshment that builds our faith, opens our minds and encourages us that we are NOT alone as we stand firm in our faith." —Karen M. "Thank you for all the pure entertainment you provide for our choosing. I believe the timing of me finding this programming was not accidental. I've been going through a lot of struggles and losing most of them. But thank God I've not given up yet. Infact, I will not give up." - anonymous

  • Our top need is funding to cover operational expenses including platform fees & licensing fees. Platform fees include the hosting and continued development of the site and the apps as well as bandwidth fees to stream the videos. Licensing fees cover royalties paid for the streaming of the films.

  • This past year, we reached 325,000 subscribers and launched on a 9th platform with work started on adding a 10th.

  • Spreading the word: The best marketing is word-of-mouth. When you recommend RedeemTV to your friends and acquaintances, they are much more likely to sign up to watch than if they see an ad somewhere. We’re also happy to send you post cards or business cards for RedeemTV that you can hand out to people you meet. Review our content: Many people will check online ratings for movies and shows before watching them so having more honest reviews helps to encourage more people to watch the quality Christian movies and shows. Rate our apps on the App Store: If you use our mobile or TV apps, please rate the app in the respective stores. More ratings help the apps to be found easier and helps us to be able to have more credibility as the developer to provide updates faster.


Geographic Focus:
We are US based but stream content globally to over 200 countries.

Arts and Culture



Save Our Youth Mentoring

We connect young people to hope through long-term mentoring relationships.

  • We provide one-to-one mentorship to young people (ages 10-17) as a pathway to help them overcome adverse experiences and learn to embrace hope: the belief that they can have something better than they have now and that they have a role to play in making it better.

  • Save Our Youth exists to connect at-risk youth with caring, committed mentors who help them build resilience, develop skills, and find hope for their future. For 30 years, our organization has consistently delivered measurable impact by fostering transformational relationships that address critical needs in education, mental health, personal development, and much more.

  • -Donate via -Share our mission/organization with your networks. If you would like to do this, please reach out to and she will provide you with marketing materials that you may share. -Introduce us to your church leaders so that we can host a recruitment event for potential mentors. -Inquire to become a mentor at -If you know a young person who could benefit from a mentor in the Denver Metro or Longmont Areas in Colorado, please fill out a form under the "Request a Mentor" tab on our website, -Reach out to to find out how you can volunteer at one of our upcoming quarterly events for our mentees.

  • Since 1994, through the work of this organization alone, we’ve seen over 3,458 kids provided with one-to-one mentorship at no cost to them or their families;over 1 million volunteer hours valued at over 26 million dollars;and over the last 5 years alone, we’ve had an average match (mentor/mentee paring) length of 43 months (currently at 47 months). Furthermore, we provide scholarships and educational support to mentees who have graduated from our program and are pursuing secondary education. We’ve also seen kids who were mentees in our program back in the 90s return to Save Our Youth to become mentors to other kids. Additionally, we’ve seen kids who were mentees back in the 90s return to Save Our Youth to provide their children with mentors.

  • During one of our graduation celebrations, we interviewed a mentee and asked “What is something you’re incredibly proud of?” Without skipping a beat, he emphatically responded with “I wasn’t supposed to graduate high school, but with the help of my mentor, I did. I’m the first in my family to do so, and I did it a year early.” In another instance, when we asked how a mentee’s life has been impacted, one mentee said "Becoming more confident and knowing what I want from myself, others, and my relationships while having the courage to obtain these things has been a very big victory in my book. Having Sandy as my mentor allowed me to express my emotions and find what I want and don't want in my life, which was very helpful when deciding if a person would be a good friend for me." This mentee was sixteen at the time and officially matched with her mentor for 6 years.

  • In order to keep the program running, we need two things: mentors and money. It costs $1,765 to make a single match (one mentor & mentee paring), $1,075 to maintain a match, and $3,100 to support mentees who graduate to our "Scholars" education program, through which we help provide scholarships for higher education. Donations are greatly appreciated, and directly impact the youth we serve. If you would like to donate, please visit Furthermore, we simply cannot operate without the mentors who invest time into the lives of our young people. At any given time, we have over 75 youths on our waitlist, meaning they have specifically asked to be paired with a trusted adult. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please visit and fill out the no-commitment "Mentor Interest Form."

  • We held a graduation ceremony for the largest senior class that the org has yet to have: 23 high school and 10 college graduates!

  • We have quarterly events that we host for our mentors and mentees, including "Family Fun Day," "Back to School BBQ" at which we provide backpacks and supplies for all mentees and their siblings, "Graduation," and our "Annual Match Christmas Party" at which we provide personalized gifts for all of our mentees. We always need volunteers to help operate these events, so if you are interested in helping in any way, please reach out to


Geographic Focus:

The Denver Metro & Longmont Areas in Colorado.

Poverty Alleviation



Phone Number:

The Crucible Project

Unlike any Christian retreat you’ve attended, the Crucible Weekend is designed to challenge you to take a hard look at what is and is not working in your life. We give you the opportunity to wrestle with God and discover new truths about yourself — and embrace your God-given purpose. Person by person, this work is changing hearts, marriages, families, churches, careers and cities. Join an international community of men & women who have gone before you.

  • The Crucible Project is a nonprofit ministry committed to personal transformation and spiritual growth. We offer retreats, ongoing groups, and coaching to create spaces where individuals can engage in deep soul work. Our model encourages participants to attend a retreat and then return as volunteer staff for other retreats, providing a unique opportunity to continue their personal growth and contribute to the transformation of others. We are Christ-followers who aim to help men and women lead more authentic and purposeful lives, deepening their connections with themselves, others, and God.

  • Person by person, this work is changing hearts, marriages, families, churches, careers and cities. Join an international community of men & women who have gone before you.

  • Volunteer, donating and referring others to our ministry.

  • Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report Souls Directly Impacted: 1,585 5 Countries hosting retreats on 3 Continents Initial retreat participants: 590 (up 16%) Initial Retreats: 32 (up 25%) 96% rated initial retreat good, very good or excellent 85% reported they are likely or very likely to continue their work in a community Volunteers: 838 Second Level Retreats: 12 Souls Served in Retreats, Groups and Coaching: 1,585 ​Financial Assistance Awarded: $97,120 232 donors (up 15%) Actual Cost of Retreat per Participant: $888 ($293 more than fee) Actual Cost of Leader Training per Participant: $1,411 ($1,061 more than fee)

  • Fred wanted everyone to believe he was a strong Christ-following leader, family man, adored his wife and successful. But he had spent much of his adult life hiding an addiction to pornography. A friend had invited him for ten years to a Crucible retreat. He finally reached out for more information the day after his wife of thirty years was heartbroken by what she saw on his phone. During the retreat, Fred got real with himself. He wrestled with God about how he was doing life. He uncovered a deep need within him to be nurtured and desired that was missing in his early years. He heard God tell him that he can never fill that void with pornography. Three years later, Fred is still sober, engaged in a group of other men who are no longer in the throes of active pornography addiction. He is living authentically and more in his purpose, unwilling to go back to hiding.

  • Donations to support the growth of this ministery and spread the work.

  • Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report Souls Directly Impacted: 1,585 5 Countries hosting retreats on 3 Continents Initial retreat participants: 590 (up 16%) Initial Retreats: 32 (up 25%) 96% rated initial retreat good, very good or excellent 85% reported they are likely or very likely to continue their work in a community Volunteers: 838 Second Level Retreats: 12 Souls Served in Retreats, Groups and Coaching: 1,585 ​Financial Assistance Awarded: $97,120 232 donors (up 15%) Actual Cost of Retreat per Participant: $888 ($293 more than fee) Actual Cost of Leader Training per Participant: $1,411 ($1,061 more than fee)

  • After attending a retreat, we invite to come back and serve on a retreat to serve others in this work.


Geographic Focus:
US, Kenya, Mexico and Australia




Phone Number:

The Heights Ellis County Family Resources

Guiding victims of domestic abuse to safety and hope by connecting them to the services of many agencies all together in one place.

  • The Heights Ellis County Family Resources is a faith-based Family Justice Center dedicated to supporting individuals and families impacted by domestic abuse and sexual assault. Our mission is to provide comprehensive resources in one central location, fostering healing and empowerment. We collaborate with community partners to offer essential services, including crisis intervention, advocacy, counseling, and mental health support. By uniting as a community, The Heights strives to create a safe, nurturing environment where families can reclaim their lives and thrive.

  • Supporting The Heights means investing in a compassionate, effective approach to ending cycles of abuse and giving families the opportunity to heal, rebuild, and thrive. Your support goes beyond just benefiting The Heights;it also helps us cover costs for our onsite partners, ensuring they can continue to provide essential services without financial burden. Every contribution expands our reach, improves our services, and strengthens the safety net for the most vulnerable members of our community, creating a lasting impact that touches multiple organizations and countless lives.

  • There are many ways to get involved with The Heights and support our mission. You can volunteer your time, make a financial donation, sponsor an event, or help raise awareness in the community. In-kind donations of essential items are always appreciated or explore partnership opportunities to expand our reach. Your involvement helps provide comprehensive, life-changing support to survivors and strengthens our impact in Ellis County.

  • In the past year, The Heights has made a profound impact on our rural community by providing vital resources and support to over 450 individuals affected by domestic abuse, more than 160 crisis interventions and almost 300 children were provided resources. Prior to our organization, our area had no resources for families facing domestic abuse. Since our establishment, we have influenced the lives of more than 1,150 individuals, demonstrating our commitment to fostering a safer, more resilient community. Our comprehensive services not only empower survivors to reclaim their lives but also raise awareness and promote prevention, ensuring that no one faces domestic abuse alone. The Heights acquired 11.5 acres in 2023 and has fully renovated 2 of the 3 existing buildings and on track to finish the renovations on building 3 in early 2025. Upon completion of building 3, The Heights campus will be debt free.

  • "The Heights not only gave validity to the violence, coercion, and pain I had experienced, but they gave me a tactile plan and resources to get out of the situation my kids and I were in. I found The Heights during a time of deep shame, confusion and pain, and together, they have walked with me for the last several years and reminded me not to give up. Now four years later, I can truly say that my kids and I are beginning to thrive, and I am so thankful." - Survivor

  • The top needs and priorities of The Heights Ellis County Family Resources include sustained funding to support our comprehensive, no-cost services for survivors, expanding our volunteer base to assist with client services and outreach, and increasing community awareness about domestic abuse and available resources. We are only $230K away from finishing out our capital campaign in order to open the doors to Ellis County's only emergency shelter for families experiencing domestic abuse. Addressing these priorities is crucial for us to continue empowering survivors and fostering a safer, more supportive environment in Ellis County.

  • The Heights was overwhelmed by the support of over 600 in attendance at our recent Power of ‘We’ luncheon. It was a powerful day, filled with inspiring stories and a shared commitment to make a difference. We were honored to host the Gabby Petito Foundation and to stand together as a community united in support of those impacted by domestic abuse and sexual assault. This event was a testament to the remarkable movement happening here in Ellis County—a shift toward deeper collaboration and unity among organizations, service providers, and community members. This type of unified movement is incredibly rare, and it is truly a privilege for The Heights to be among the catalysts of something so impactful. The Heights launched housing programs in the spring of 2024. Since this program launch, we have placed 49 people in permanent housing. The Heights now has 5 HIVE houses which is our Housing Integrated Victim Empowerment program. We have been able to support 49 clients in transitional housing. The Heights is currently beta testing the launch of our HOPE houses, Housing Opportunity and Professional Experience, which integrates career building and placement alongside supportive housing.

  • The Heights Ellis County Family Resources offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for individuals looking to make a meaningful impact in the community. Volunteers can assist with providing childcare on campus, support our onsite boutique, participate in our monthly Pathway events, join Camp Hope, or become champions to help increase sustainable funding for The Heights. By getting involved, volunteers play a vital role in supporting survivors and promoting healing within Ellis County.


Geographic Focus:
Ellis County, Texas.

Human Rights and Social Justice



Phone Number:

The Marriage Hub

We provide Marriage Intensive retreats for couples in crisis.

  • Our mission is to eradicate divorce from our society. We do this by offering marriage intensive retreats for couples in crisis and have an 85% success rate in keeping these couples together.

  • Building strong marriages creates a bedrock for our society as we maintain strong families.

  • Go to for information about our program. We currently offer intensives in Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, Arizona and California.

  • 85% of the couples who attend our program work through their crisis and stay together. We also see a 22% increase in marital satisfaction from attending our weekends. That number goes even higher when couples complete the 15-week follow up program afterwards.

  • We have 100sof testimonies on our website at -

  • Funding for End of Year needs - still need approximately $200,000. Couples to serve as volunteer support couples at our weekend intensives.

  • We led 79 marriage intensive retreats and helped 192 couples in crisis. Over the course of the year multiple individuals were led to Christ as we share the gospel purposely at our program. More than 70% of the couples who attend our program have limited or no faith backgrounds.

  • After attending a retreat, we invite to come back and serve on a retreat to serve others in this work.


Geographic Focus:
Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, Arizona, and Southern California.




Phone Number:

Young Business Leaders

Confidently Live Out Your Faith in the Workplace: Mentorship and Discipleship for Christian Businessmen

  • At YBL, we aim to help you confidently invest in faith-building relationships with your colleagues. To achieve this, you need a practical plan to engage in meaningful conversations about your faith, along with the support of men you can rely on. We come alongside local churches to help you live your faith every day. We believe God created us for both work and community. You shouldn't have to navigate this journey alone, as it can lead to feelings of isolation and discouragement. That's why, for the last 43 years, we’ve guided thousands of men in discovering their purpose in their professional lives while fostering a sense of community through our weekly discipleship groups. Together, we can build a supportive community where you can thrive in your faith and work.

  • Christian businessmen often find it a challenge to connect their work and faith. YBL provides mentorship and weekly small groups to connect and equip like-minded men as they live out their faith in the workplace. We impact the marketplace by leading men and women to Christ, helping them grow in their faith, and sending them out locally, nationally, and internationally for God’s glory Win Our first goal is to win businessmen to Christ. We aim to show non-Christian men the value of a personal relationship with their creator in a non-threatening and attractive way. Our main outreach activities include semi-annual banquets and a strongly evangelistic 4-week Investigative Study. The Concentrating on the Majors study guides individuals in starting a relationship with Christ and fosters a daily walk with Him. Equip Our equipping strategies involve foundational faith and business studies, including our First Conversations Study and Concentrating on the Majors study. From there we build men through ongoing discipleship group studies in God's Word and through mentoring opportunities, where men learn wisdom and discipline. Men who persevere in this equipping process will be prepared to lead in their families, churches and businesses. Send Sending businessmen into the community is our goal. As men grow spiritually, they impact marriages, benefit children, influence businesses, benefit organizations and other cities. YBL members will become leaders in their churches and disciples of Jesus who are equipped to make disciples. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our sponsors whose generous support enables us to continue our mission and initiatives. Your contributions play a vital role in our efforts to make a positive impact in our community and beyond.

  • Volunteers are needed to serve as small group leaders or mentors. We provide the training and resources for you to be successful and confident as you lead others to grow in their faith. If you would like to give to our ministry you can donate at Follow us on social media, visit our website, or invite a friend to a YBL event to get others involved with our ministry.

  • We have 500 businessmen and women in weekly small groups. We connect between 60-100 individuals in free mentoring relationships each year. We have approximately 60 small groups that meet across our ministry area.

  • This past February, we hosted our annual winter breakfast banquet. A young man came, heard the gospel, and wanted to join our ministry. After meeting with some of our members, he joined one of our weekly Bible study groups. After attending for a few weeks and undergoing a discipleship process, this young man gave his life to Christ and was baptized by our executive director. He still attends a weekly YBL small group and is excited to continue to grow in the Lord.

  • We are always looking for more mentors and small group leaders.

  • Over the past year, our businessmen and women have helped to serve all over our city through worthy partner ministries. We have connected with Urban Hope Community Church, Samford University, Grace Klein, and many others.

  • Volunteers are needed to serve as small group leaders or mentors. We provide the training and resources for you to be successful and confident as you lead others to grow in their faith.


Geographic Focus:
Local (Birmingham, Alabama)




Phone Number:

Embrace Church

Embracing Jesus....Embracing Others

  • Embrace Church is a Spirit-filled movement seeking to embrace a life with Jesus, and includes radical compassion for our world. Our end goal is holiness -- Spirit-filled lives where we love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and love our neighbors as ourselves. We embrace Jesus first - We seek to follow Christ in everything we do. We embrace the power of Spirit-led prayer - God's Spirit defines how we live. We embrace radical compassion - We bear each others burdens. We embrace our calling to be kingdom minded - We desire to empower people and develop leaders. We embrace life together -Growth happens in community. We embrace simplicity in life and ministry - We intentionally create space to encounter God.

  • The desire of Embrace is raise up Spiritual leaders who spread the love of Jesus in their home, neighborhoods, and the marketplace. We are raising up leaders that are starting new ministries and living out their kingdom calling

  • We always invite people to be a part of our community through worship or through ministering in the foreign countries that we work. It takes financial resources to train, develop, and empower leaders. We are in need of financial giving in order to live out our calling as a church

  • Our core leadership just went through extensive training on understanding their unique gifting and calling to the kingdom of God. We have successfully led 40 families through a seven week marriage course in order to build and rebuild strong marriages and families. We successfully raised $200,000 to acquire and renovate a space for our worship and training.

  • Brian and Allison Aicher met 15 years ago in a substance abuse rehabilitation facility in which they are patients. In the fast two years they became a part of the Embrace family and through our development and training, they have now successfully responded to God's calling and have opened their own substance rehabilitation treatment center.

  • We believe in God's abundance and we know that he takes care of our financial needs. We also acknowledge that God uses abundant means to provide for our needs. We are in need of financial generosity in order to continue our ministry calling.

  • Embrace runs a marriage course which intends to build and rebuild strong marriages. In the past year we have successfully served 40 families through a seven week course.

  • We long for people to get involved personally in our ministry training and we invite all people to be a part of our outreach to foreign missions in Cuba, Brazil, and Kenya


Geographic Focus:
We operate locally and nationally through ministry partners




Phone Number:

Rescue a Generation Inc

We rescue a generation of students who are drowning in a world of poverty, trauma, and hopelessness.

  • At Rescue a Generation, we are passionate about seeing lives and communities transformed. We come alongside young people, especially those facing tough circumstances like trauma, anxiety, and poverty, to equip them with the hope, support, and tools they need to thrive. Our heartbeat is to see students rise above their challenges and step boldly into their potential. We connect with students on school campuses through motivational assemblies, 10-week coaching programs, and workshops for parents. We also train youth leaders who share our commitment to making a difference, offering coaching certifications and organizational training. Beyond the classroom, we host life-changing events like The Takeover, a powerful conference to inspire students to impact their communities, and Manhood Camp, an overnight camp where inner-city young men discover their value and purpose. At the core of everything we do is the belief that every student has immense potential—and we’re here to walk alongside them as they discover it.

  • Young people in under-served communities are struggling because of the effects of poverty in their lives. Most people think of poverty as financial poverty, but there are many different types of poverty a person can experience that are equally devastating. These youth are growing up in fatherless homes, they don’t have good relational support systems, and they don’t trust the adults who have let them down time and time again. They are stuck in a cycle and lack the resources they need to find a way out of poverty to a place where they can thrive. Rescue a Generation serves at-risk youth in public schools through a 10-week intervention program that provides training in self-awareness, self-management, social skills, and relationship skills giving kids the tools they need to help them become successful in all areas of life. While RAG provides training to these young people, the goal is to earn the right through relational evangelism to invite them off the campus to hear the ultimate life-changing power of the Gospel. RAG believes that together, we can, we will, and we are rescuing a generation through the power of the Gospel.

  • Volunteering, Donating, Sharing the Mission

  • Since RAG started, schools engaging in the intervention program and assemblies have seen an improvement in grades, behavior, and attendance, with some schools experiencing up to a 24% decrease in chronic absenteeism. Last year alone, RAG had over 2,000 kids go through the 10-week program, and RAG was on 37 school campuses. In the past two years we have served over 40 schools, spoken to over 50,000 students, and shared the Gospel with over 2000 students.

  • "I was in a gang and didn't care about school or my family. I failed all my classes and honestly had no thoughts about my future. After joining the Success Club, I finally let go of the gang. After that, my grades started improving, and I even made the baseball team. I have great relationships with the school and staff and grew a passion for folkloric dancing. Most importantly, I am now college-bound.”

  • Community Ambassadors: Individuals who can help spread the word about our mission and connect us with potential supporters.Program Funding: Contributions to sustain and expand our school-based programs, leadership training, and community events like The Takeover and Manhood Camp.Monthly Donors: Building a stronger base of consistent monthly donors to provide steady support for our initiatives.Event Support: Volunteers to help run events, workshops, and programs on campuses.Partnerships: Connections with schools to bring our programs to new campuses and partnerships with local businesses or churches to sponsor initiatives.

  • Nonprofit of the Year for 2025 from The Barnabas Group Inland Empire.

  • We have exciting opportunities and ways for people to get involved. Our three main areas for volunteering are our Success Club Celebrations, Takeover Youth Conference, and Manhood Camp.


Geographic Focus:
Southern California

Evangelism & Education



Phone Number:

Elim Christian Services

Elim Christian Services equips people with disabilities to pursue their God-given potential by offering person-centered services and partnering with communities.

  • Elim Christian Services is dedicated to serving both children and adults with severe disabilities, providing a nurturing environment where each individual can thrive. Our programs are designed to address the unique needs of our diverse population, offering tailored educational experiences, life skills training, and vocational support to empower individuals at every stage of their lives. By fostering a holistic approach that emphasizes growth and development, we aim to enhance the quality of life for our participants and help them achieve their personal goals.

  • Elim wants to help those with disabilities gain independence and become active members in their communities.

  • Elim relies on the generosity of those who strive to see people thriving in their communities. You can support Elim by visiting and giving a gift to help continue the programming our students and adults depend on.

  • If you have any questions or want to speak to someone from our organization, please email, and we will assist you as best we can!

  • Meet Dan – an adult currently participating in our Adult Services program. This is his story on how he continues to overcome the odds. At 18 months old, Dan was diagnosed with Autism. When Dan's mother, Rose, first received his Autism diagnosis, the doctor informed her that it would be better for them to send Dan away because he would be “too disruptive” and “ruin their family’s lives.” This was not an acceptable option for Dan’s family. So, they took it upon themselves to find him the best resources and care he could have. Because of their love and belief that God’s purpose for him was great, Dan has now overcome the odds and is exactly where he needs to be. When Dan’s parents first discovered Elim, they vowed to get Dan here however they could. After their first time touring Elim’s Adult Services facilities, Rose told us: “I remember thinking to myself, ‘I would move heaven and Earth to get him there.'” Dan has been a member of the Elim community for the past 14 years! Elim staff have helped Dan improve his communication and social skills while giving him a space to be himself. If you ever want to know how Dan is feeling, he will be able to tell you by quoting one of his favorite Disney movies or songs! Our staff guide Dan to try new activities he might not have been willing to do before, which he now actively looks forward to. For example, Dan gets up in front of his class every day and reports on the weather for his peers! Dan is thriving, and his family couldn’t be happier to see how he has grown since coming to Elim.

  • Just like any school, the need for supplies to keep classrooms running smoothly is desperately needed. Desktop computers and furniture for a computer lab, folding lunchroom tables, cases of baby wipes, and even a washer and dryer are all items that Elim desperately needs. If you have any items like these that could be donated to Elim, please contact

  • Every day there are major achievements at Elim. Whether it’s a student being able to vocalize for the first time, or an adult getting a work opportunity out in the community – we celebrate them all. Another major achievement we saw in 2024 was our 28th Annual Dutch Festival. This fundraiser brought over $220,000 dollars that directly went to support the students and adults at Elim.

  • We have two major events at Elim – our 5K and Dutch Festival. In 2025, our 5K will be held on Saturday, May 3rd and Dutch Festival will be held on Saturday, September 27th. If you are interested in volunteering for either of those events, reach out to for more information!


Geographic Focus:
National & Local




Phone Number:

Generation Distinct

Generation Distinct helps young adults discover the wrong they were born to make right with a strategy to set it in motion.

  • 74% of young adults who have a resilient and lasting faith had a faith community that helped them better understand their purpose in life. Given that "A Faith Community that helps young adults understand their purpose in life" is a key factor in fostering a genuine and enduring faith, how can we ensure that every young adult asking the question, "What is my purpose?" can find that answer in a faith community? We believe the best way to invest in the spiritual, mental and emotional health of a young to help them discover and live out their God-given purpose. That is why, we exist to help young adults to discover the wrong they were born to make right with a strategy to set it in motion. This is ultimately in support of our legacy vision, “To See a generation radically committed to Christ and his mission.”

  • Our founder, Hannah Gronowski Barnett, recognized that while many young adults were full of big dreams, ideas, and aspirations for making a positive impact—even a Kingdom impact—very few were translating those dreams into action. There was a clear gap between passion and execution. Hannah began asking, "What is missing?" With a team of leaders around her, she discovered the answer: strategy. The gap between passion and action is bridged by a clear plan to move forward. This revelation sparked a deep passion in Hannah to ensure that every young adult with a desire to make an impact would have the strategy, resources, and mentorship needed to take real steps toward change. Together, they built a process to guide young adults in discovering their purpose, creating a plan to live it out, and finding the support they need along the way. From there, we connect their purpose to the greatest cause of all time: the mission of Jesus in the world. In 2017, Generation Distinct became a non-profit, and a small team began developing a strategy to help young adults discover the wrong they were born to make right, along with a plan to set it in motion. After years of collaboration with senior leaders from around the world, conducting beta tests, and building the infrastructure behind the scenes, we officially launched our Cohorts to the public in the Fall of 2020. Today, nearly 250 young adults from around the world have discovered the wrong they were born to make right and are equipped with a strategy to set it in motion through our Path of Purpose. Not only that, but we also offer the support of a global community and leadership training to help young leaders sustain their purpose. Our vision is to reach thousands of young adults worldwide and equip them to create lasting change. Through our comprehensive strategy, we are building a generation of young adults who know their purpose and live it out for the advancement of the Gospel.

  • 1) Learn More About Mentoring our Young Adults 2) Have Your Business Sponsor our Summer Conference 3) Personally Sponsor a Generation Distinct Cohort to mobilize the next generation of leaders on behalf of the Gospel

  • Cohort Updates This year, we proudly launched four new Cohorts, welcoming 54 passionate young adults ready to start their journey with Generation Distinct. With each new member, we see the vision of our movement come to life in new and inspiring ways. This growth brings our total to over 200 young adults who have embarked on the Generation Distinct purpose pathway—each one stepping forward with the desire to make a meaningful difference in the world. Through their dedication, they are discovering and embracing the unique wrong they were born to make right and are equipping themselves with the strategy, skills, and support needed to pursue it. Yet, the impact of these 200 young leaders reaches far beyond their individual journeys. From the stories and metrics shared with us by our alumni, we’ve learned that, collectively, they’ve reached and inspired over 1 million people. These young leaders, whom we call Innovative Missionaries, are using their gifts and purpose to advance change and share hope across diverse communities, industries, and causes. Through their companies, nonprofits, art, social media influence, and church initiatives, they are making the Gospel accessible in fresh and powerful ways. Every milestone achieved and every community impacted is a testament to the multiplying effect of purpose-driven leadership. As these young adults continue on the path they’ve chosen with Generation Distinct, we see them transforming their visions into realities, mobilizing others to join them, and creating a legacy of lasting impact. Coalition Updates: This year, we’ve deepened our commitment to investing in the young adults who have completed their Cohort journey through our Coalition. In 12 Community Coaching Calls, Coalition members from around the world have gathered to continue developing the essential skills they need to walk out their purpose and bring their strategies to life. These calls provide coaching on a broad spectrum of topics, including clarifying their calling, strengthening leadership skills, nurturing character through discipleship, and revisiting their SMART goals each quarter to ensure they’re on track to make a tangible impact. Our coaching approach is intentional and personalized, with countless hours spent investing directly into the visions and callings of these young leaders. Through one-on-one guidance, group discussions, and real-time feedback, we work alongside each Coalition member, helping them navigate challenges, refine their goals, and stay grounded in their purpose. These coaching calls have become a space where young adults not only grow as leaders but also find encouragement, accountability, and direction to sustain their mission in the long run. . Leadership Development Program Updates: In the inaugural year of the Leadership Development Program, we have witnessed incredible growth and impact as eight young adults completed this transformative journey. This program is designed to go beyond traditional training, equipping young leaders with the advanced skills, strategic mindset, and spiritual depth they need to sustain their purpose-driven vision over the long term. Each participant has not only deepened their understanding of leadership but has also developed a practical, actionable plan to make an impact in their chosen fields. Among these graduates, two have now taken on the role of Cohort leaders, guiding new participants through the Generation Distinct experience with the knowledge and wisdom they gained firsthand. Additionally, one graduate has stepped into a facilitation role within the Leadership Development Program itself, contributing actively to the growth of future leaders by sharing insights, offering mentorship, and helping shape the program for the next wave of participants. These graduates are not only pursuing their own callings but are also pouring back into the community, empowering others to step boldly into their purpose. Their journey reflects the multiplying effect of the Leadership Development Program, as each leader goes on to inspire, mentor, and guide others, furthering the mission of Generation Distinct and creating a legacy of leadership that will resonate for years to come. untitled 2024 At untitled 2024, we created a transformative experience for young leaders from across the nation, equipping them to navigate the complexities of a divided world. This year’s theme, "The Paradox," tackled the tensions young leaders face in choosing between extremes—right or wrong, for or against. Instead, we trained them to lead with wisdom in the gray areas, becoming bridge builders who foster understanding and peace in the midst of division. We designed untitled_ to offer young adults everything they need to step into their God-given calling, with access to mentors, hands-on training, and practical tools. Through six specialized Masterclass Tracks—ranging from Business and Brand Creation to Church Planting, Music Industry, Humanitarian Work, Corporate Leadership, and Media Creation (YouTube, podcasting, and writing)—participants received real-world strategies to advance their visions. This year, we also doubled our attendance, growing from 40 to 80 young leaders, creating even more space for rising influencers to engage deeply with their callings. This growth reflects our commitment to expanding our impact and making this experience accessible to as many young adults as possible. One of this year’s highlights was welcoming our first international participant, Sofia from India, who began her journey with Generation Distinct in 2022. After growing virtually with her Cohort, Sofia was able to travel to Chicago to attend Untitled in person. Her experience is a powerful reminder of our mission’s reach and the unique, personalized space Untitled offers for young adults to gain momentum in their calling. The entire conference was designed to immerse attendees in a creatively inspiring environment. We embodied the paradox theme through intentional design: the first floor conveyed the darkness and weight of division in the world, while the second floor embraced the ambiguity of the “in-between” spaces with silver and grey elements. Finally, the main auditorium was a space of light and hope, where our signature installation, "A Place for You," reflected God's promise to prepare a space for each young leader, reminding them they are known and loved. Beyond the training and mentorship, untitled_ 2024 provided an atmosphere where young adults could encounter Jesus, hear from the Holy Spirit, and be empowered to step boldly into their purpose. We believe every young adult with a calling deserves access to the resources, community, and spiritual encounters that will help them make their vision a reality. In the end, untitled_ 2024 was about more than just doubling in size—it was about equipping a generation of young leaders to step into their God-given callings and change the world.

  • Since graduating from the Generation Distinct Cohort, I have had the privilege of reaching and impacting over 15,000 young people across Latin America through Generación Salvaje. This movement has grown rapidly, touching lives in countries like Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, and Guatemala. Additionally, through events, outreach programs, and the platform we've established in schools and universities, we have seen a significant number of young people embrace their purpose and start making a difference in their communities. The impact has not just been in numbers, but in real stories of transformation, such as the 837 students who accepted Jesus in Peru and connected with local churches. These milestones are a testament to the power of purpose-driven work, and as we continue to expand, we expect this number to grow even more, reaching new generations across the world. Since being equipped by the Generation Distinct community, my influence has grown exponentially, both in the scope of my reach and in the depth of my impact. The clarity and confidence I gained through the Cohort have allowed me to step into my calling with a sense of purpose and direction, which has led to incredible expansion in my ministry and leadership. Generación Salvaje has become a global movement, impacting young people across Latin America, including in countries like Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, and Guatemala. Beyond just these nations, the movement has grown into a platform that is now being used in schools and universities, providing free resources to motivate and equip youth to become instruments of transformation. This has significantly increased the breadth of my influence, reaching thousands of young people in educational settings and enabling them to take active steps toward their purpose. Additionally, my vision for Generación Salvaje is expanding beyond the Spanish-speaking world. Plans to introduce this movement to English-speaking countries in 2026 are already in the works, and we have begun to engage with youth in regions like Argentina and Spain. This expansion has not only broadened my reach but also increased the opportunities for collaboration with other leaders, organizations, and communities. The coaching, community, and resources from Generation Distinct helped me refine my message, focus my efforts, and build a strategic plan for reaching and inspiring young people. As a result, I am more confident than ever in my ability to lead and inspire others. The influence I now carry goes beyond simply being a speaker or mentor—it's a platform that is awakening the next generation to their purpose, challenging them to live with intentionality, and empowering them to create real change in their communities. This growth in influence is not just about numbers;it's about the transformation of hearts and minds. Seeing young people rise up with passion, clarity, and a sense of responsibility for their communities is the true measure of how my influence has expanded since being equipped by Generation Distinct.

  • Our goal is to launch 10 NEW Cohorts in 2025. This ambitious expansion will allow 150 new young leaders to begin their transformative journey with Generation Distinct, empowering them to discover and pursue their god-given purpose. You can give to sponsor a Cohort here: Our Cohorts, valued at $800 per participant, offer an immersive, transformative experience. However, to make this life-changing opportunity accessible, we only charge young leaders $200 total for the full program This means that for every young leader who participates, we are left with a $600 gap to cover the true cost. That’s where you come in. By becoming a monthly donor, you can partner with us to ensure we can continue offering this experience to young leaders at an affordable rate. Your generosity will directly support these young leaders as they learn to become innovative missionaries, taking the Gospel into every sphere of society. Together, we can continue to raise up a generation of leaders who will make a tangible difference in the world. Sponsor a Cohort here:

  • Thrivent Financial Steps Up to Support the Next Generation with Generation Distinct Each year, Thrivent Financial selects one nonprofit to support in a special way—through an exclusive golf event that not only raises funds but brings together a community of supporters who are passionate about making an impact. In 2024, Generation Distinct had the incredible honor of being chosen as Thrivent’s featured nonprofit, marking a significant milestone in our partnership. This decision wasn’t made lightly. Thrivent has long been committed to supporting initiatives that align with their mission of empowering individuals to lead meaningful lives, and this year, they saw a unique opportunity in Generation Distinct. Recognizing the work we do to help young leaders discover their purpose and make a lasting impact, Thrivent decided to go all-in, hosting an event that would draw attention, resources, and momentum toward our mission. The Thrivent Golf Event was more than just a fundraiser—it was a statement of belief in the next generation. Held at an exclusive golf course, the event attracted business leaders, community members, and individuals who care deeply about shaping the future. Together, they raised substantial funds to fuel the continued growth of Generation Distinct, ensuring that more young adults have the opportunity to discover the wrong they were born to make right. For us at Generation Distinct, this partnership has been a game-changer. We were blown away by the generosity and the faith Thrivent has shown in our mission. The impact of this event goes beyond the financial support—it has opened doors to new relationships, amplified our voice in key circles, and underscored the importance of investing in young leaders who are passionate about advancing the Gospel in innovative ways. Being selected by Thrivent for this honor is something we don’t take lightly, and we feel incredibly grateful for their trust in us. Their belief in the next generation mirrors our own, and together, we’re making strides toward a future where young leaders are empowered to live out their purpose with boldness and clarity. We’re excited about what this partnership will continue to bring, and we are deeply honored to have Thrivent Financial standing alongside us as we equip the next generation to lead, serve, and create lasting Gospel impact.

  • - Mentor Our Young Leaders - Volunteer at Our Summer Conference - Nominate a young leader in your life for our next Cohort :


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